Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Weird things in Toronto

Things I have noticed about Toronto and Canada so far:
  • The liquor stores close at 9pm. All of them. It's some government thing apparently. Very very odd. You also can't buy alcohol anywhere but at the bottle store.
  • St Patrick's station is painted green.
  • Last Sunday, on Mother's day, there was a big steel drum band in the park down the road from me. When I walked past, they were playing "Who let the dogs out?". Of all the things.
  • There's a million tv channels, but still nothing is on. And they schedule all the good programs at the same time too.
  • The weather here is odd. On Tuesday it was about 34. Today (Thursday) it's 11.
  • When it rains here, they issue storm warnings. Oh no! Rain! Seriously, the lady on the tv was warning that everyone should go inside AND STAY INSIDE. Right, because the first thing you want to do when it's pouring rain is stand out in it.
  • Canadians are really bad at accents. Some people are fine with me, others just look at me like I'm not speaking English (no matter how slow I speak). But yesterday, my interview was with an English woman and she understood me perfectly. She said she has the same problem, she has to speak R e a l l y slooow ly.
  • All the streets are North -South or East-West. But when you come out of a subway station and are totally disorientated, there are no signs saying which way is which. Sometimes you come out of a subway station to an underground pathway or a store, and then you are really lost. In that case you have helpful signs that say things like 'homeware' instead of which way to which street.
  • You have to dial the area code always. Even when it appears to be a local call.
  • Even if you have a toll bar and can't actually make a toll call.
Finally, I have gotten used to the cars being on the other side of the road. I look left when crossing. I even remember to make like I'm driving all the time to get in the passenger's seat. However when I am crossing the road and look down at a car (for example if they are stopped at the lights) I always get a shock that there's no driver. And then I realise that they aren't driven by ghosts, just the driver is on the right.

1 comment:

Cas said...

I know this post is super old and you probably wont see this but you always have to dial the area code because Toronto at the time had two area codes.