Tuesday, 15 May 2007


Ok I have been slack in updating. Mainly because I have been doing nothing but reading books. Ahh bliss. If only I could do this always.

Quick update:

Last week I went to a CS brunch. I was a bit nervous, going to brunch with 10 people I didn't know, but I was pleasantly surprised. It was a bit of a relief actually, to meet people who are interested in travelling and travellers. Too many people I meet here have the instant response "I wish" when I say I just took off for a year around the world. They wish, but they have no intention of actually ever leaving. I even met a guy who has only left Ontario twice in his life! Come on! It's 2 hours to the border, max!

So yeah, travellers = good. In fact, I am going on a road trip this weekend with one of the CS guys to Detroit. Yay, random road trips!

Other than that, I have done nothing. My money didn't come through for a week, so last week all I did was slowly eat all my money up, watch a lot of tv, and apply for jobs online. I've decided I'd quite like to be a tourist and be available for random road trips, so I am applying for temp jobs. To leave me free to pop to the US when I feel like it, or whatever.

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