Saturday, 5 May 2007


I have moved! I now live downtown (ish) Toronto. I say ish, becauseit's not really, where I live is quite suburban, and on the outskirtsof town. But, it's still considered downtown, because it's on thesubway line. I can be right in the centre of toronto after a 20 minsubway ride, so it's pretty good.

The area I'm living in is way cute. There are plenty of parks, shops, delis, fruit markets and evena huge park!Oh, and they have a kiwi themed bar. Which is so terribly bad it's funny. The place has a tapa menu with a map of NZ as background, but the sign for the pub has a kiwi with a boomerang on it! Sooo bad.Um what else?

I moved in here on Monday, then on tuesday I caught a ride with my friend's parents to Ottawa. I forgot how pretty Ottawa is! The downtown area with the river, and the canal, and the old,castle-like, parliament buildings. Nice. Anyways, from there I left town and went to see my aunt and uncle thatI lived with last time I was in Ottawa (2000). They now live withtheir youngest son, his wife, and their 4 kids! Woah, it was full on in that house. It was good to see them all though.

So I got back here on thursday night and spent all yesterday tripping to Walmart to buy sheets and pillows for my new place. It came furnished, but without bedding!Ummm.. yeah nothing much interesting has happened to me, I'll start looking for a job soon, but I'm having so much fun being on holiday!Plus, I don't have a computer to print off CVs , so I am borrowing the library's computer. But I only get half an hour here a day, so it's all a bit rushed!

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