Friday we went out to a Bavarian beer hall and had giant beers with heavy food. This was to become a theme for the weekend!

Sat Rian and Graham got up at about 8am to go down to Oktoberfest. I refused and joined them at 9:30am. They somehow decided to miss all the open tents and tried to get into one that was closed. Luckily for THEM, I chatted up some nice English blokes and got us a place outside.

Unfortunately, after the English guys left, our day went downhill. They were replaced with antisocial Americans (dumb americans - evidence #2) and then we got to watch the All Blacks lose. dumb.
Day 2 of our Oktoberfest started slowly with Bavarian sausages and wheat beer for breakfast (in which I get told off for eating the sausage the wrong way by our typically german host lol) and then we went to the Munich "English Gardens". Here they have a cool mini wave part of the river where people surf:

and we had our 2nd beer for the day:

and then headed back to Oktoberfest, where our cool host Andreas had saved us seats in the best tent, the Hacker tent (I think, my spelling is shite)
Here, EVERYONE was dressed up and I felt supremely underdressed. Oh well. There was lots of standing on benches, dancing, singing and huge beers. Our tent was so popular that they closed the doors at 6pm. At one stage during the night I even saw our waitress scoot over the table because the aisles were full! Because it was the last night of Oktoberfest 2007, at the end of the night some guy (probably the owner of the tent) said a speech which we translated as "Thanks for drinking so much and making me rich again, please don't break too much in the last hour" - but this may be wrong as I don't speak German - and then everyone sang a final song and had sparklers. It was lots of fun. Here are the pics!

Me and Andreas our host:

Hacker Tent:
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