Tuesday, 24 July 2007

I'm boring

I'm boring, that's why I haven't updated!

highlights of my week:

-Going to Ottawa last week and visiting my cousins, and their many kids. It was like being back in NZ, 4 little blond girls, a few toddlers etc.. reminds me of christmas at our house about years ago!

-Getting and reading Harry Potter last sat - it took me 6 or so hours.

-Finding out courstesy of a game called Whoonu? (who knew? in an american accent) That I like making lists better than bunnies. But my little 2nd cousin doesn't. Fun game for kids.

-going for beer multiple times with the CS crew, and planning my trip to Montreal

-making lists, now I know I like it.

Does this count as a list?

umm yeah. So nothing much. Am going to Montreal next week though, so I'm sure I'll have something more interesting to write about soon!

love and hugs,

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