Tuesday, 26 June 2007


Hey peeps. I got a job working door to door for a charity, trying to sign people up to help. I only get paid for working 1-9, but I usually am expected to be there around 11am, and I finish back in the office around 9:30. So I leave home at 10am or so, and don't get back until 10:45 or so at night. It's tiring. The job is hot and hard, and I'm useless at it. I fully expect to be fired in a few weeks, but no matter, a few weeks is all I need to finance the rest of my time here I think. At pay of $8 an hour, 7.5 hours a day, 5 days a week, that's about $300 a week (depending on how much I get taxed). So 4 weeks should be enough I think! When it's 35+ outside, 2 weeks is too much, but I'll try and last!

In other news, I booked my tickets to Europe on Sat. I leave here August 25, and get back to Vancouver for Christmas on Dec 5. Yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just because I love you I am going to try again.

Europe sounds great - glad you are only doing the job for a wee bit. Have a thought for your southern hemisphere peers - there are a bunch of young people on LQ and Manners Mall trying to sign people up to support Unicef - and boy do they look cold!!

Cheers, r